
Philosophical Influences:
RIE: Resources for Infant Educarers
What is Educaring?
The 100 Languages of Childhood
Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families
The Pikler Collection: The work of Dr. Emmi Pikler

Janet Lansbury‘s Elevating Child Care blog for parents, educarers, and those interested in the real-world application of the RIE philosophy.
Regarding Baby: Lisa Sunbury’s RIE-influenced blog.
Brain Insights, the importance of brain development in the early years.

Reading Material:
Alison Gopnik, author of The Scientist in the Crib and The Philosophical Baby, and TED speaker.
Books by Janet Gonzalez-Mena: Child, family, and community guru.
Your Self-Confident Baby by Magda Gerber
Authentic Relationships in Group Care for Infants and Toddlers

One thought on “Resources

  1. I am a trained Montessori Assistant to Infancy with 25 years experience of working with infants, toddlers and their families. Here is a short video that will show you how Maria Montessori and Magna Gerber were on the same wave length. These two women were geniuses!

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